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Plumier in Five Minutes

Plumier is A TypeScript backend framework focuses on development productivity to help you create a robust, secure and fast Node.js restful API delightfully. Plumier shipped with some built-in feature to speed up your API development.

First Class Entity#

A first class entity is an ORM Entity with control to most framework functionalities (validation, authorization, data type schema, generated restful API). On the background Plumier creates a generic controller on the fly for each first class entity to create CRUD restful API for each entity.

Simplest First Class Entity#

Plumier supported TypeORM entity to be used as first class entity, simplest implementation of first class entity is like below.

import { route, val} from "plumier";
import { Column, Entity, PrimaryGeneratedColumn } from "typeorm";
// create generic controller based on Item entity on the fly.
// handles restful API post, put, patch, delete, get (by id), get (list)
export class Item {
id: number;
name: string;
basePrice: number;
price: number;

Above code generated into six restful routes like below.

POST/itemsCreate new item
GET/itemsGet list of items with paging, filter, order and projection
GET/items/:idGet single item by id with projection
PUT/items/:idReplace item by id
PATCH/items/:idModify item by id (required validation ignored)
DELETE/items/:idDelete item by id

Nested Restful API#

ORM entities may contains relations to represent join to another table, Plumier provided nested generic controller to perform parent children operation.

import { route } from "plumier"
import { Entity, OneToMany, PrimaryGeneratedColumn } from "typeorm"
export class Post {
id: number
/** other properties **/
@OneToMany(x => Comment, x =>
comments: Comment[]
export class Comment {
id: number
@ManyToOne(x => Post, x => x.comments)

Above code showing that the relation property comments marked with @genericController() decorators. It tells Plumier to create a nested generic controller to perform parent children operation. Above code will generated into routes below.

POST/posts/:pid/commentsCreate new post's comment
GET/posts/:pid/commentsGet list of post's comments with paging, filter, order and projection
GET/posts/:pid/comments/:idGet single post's comment by id with projection
PUT/posts/:pid/comments/:idReplace post's comment by id
PATCH/posts/:pid/comments/:idModify post's comment property by id
DELETE/posts/:pid/comments/:idDelete post's comment by id

First Class Entity Security#

Entities may contains properties that sensitive to some type of users, you may need to restrict user to access specific API endpoint or even you may need to restrict user to set/see specific property on request or response body.

Plumier provided declarative authorization by specifying authorization policy name that can be applied to secure API endpoints, property of request/response body etc. Furthermore you define the authorization policy logic separately.

@genericController((config) => {
// authorize Supervisor and Staff
// can mutate (post, put, patch, delete) the resource
config.mutators().authorize("Supervisor", "Staff");
export class Item {
id: number;
name: string;
// authorize response body property only can be seen by Supervisor and Staff"Supervisor", "Staff")
basePrice: number;
// authorize request body property only can be set by Supervisor and Staff
price: number;

Code above showing that Supervisor and Staff is an authorization policy. Next you define your authorization policy logic using authorization policy builder like below.

import { authPolicy } from "plumier"
// register policies (role) with authorization policy builder
// register Supervisor
.register("Supervisor", ({ user }) => {
// user is the JWT claim from request header
return user?.role === "Supervisor"
// register Staff
.register("Staff", ({ user }) => {
return user?.role === "Staff"

You register the authorization policy by providing the policy name and an authorization callback. The callback will be called during authorization evaluation.

Auto Generated Values#

Entities may contains properties that is auto generated, such as createdBy property that needs to automatically assigned with the current login user ID.

Furthermore you may need to restrict anyone to set the createdBy property from the request body.

export class Item {
id: number;
// restrict user to set property from request body
// created date column provided by TypeORM
createdAt: Date
// restrict user to set property from request body
// executed method before entity saved, only on post request
// bind user parameter with the JWT claim from request header
assignUser(@bind.user() user:LoginUser){
// assign createdBy with current login user from JWT claim
this.createdBy = <User>{ id: user.userId }

Code above showing that we use the request hook @preSave() to make the assignUser method executed before the entity being saved to the database.

Define Filterable Fields#

Generic controller provided functionalities to refine the API response, such as filter, paging, order and projection.

import { route, authorize } from "plumier"
import { Entity, Column, CreateDateColumn, PrimaryGeneratedColumn } from "typeorm"
export class Post {
id: number

Using above code we can query filter for all Post fields. Using above generated API you may request like below.

# Filter response based on slug property using equals comparison
GET /posts?filter=(slug = 'my_cool_post')
# Perform range filter between dates using triple dots
GET /posts?filter=(createdAt = '2020-9-1'...'2020-10-1')
# Perform conditional filter
GET /posts?filter=(createdAt >= '2020-9-1' and deleted = false)
# Perform search on title that starts with word programming using asterisk
GET /posts?filter=(title = 'programming'*)

Filter will follows the and @authorize.writeonly() respectively. Its mean when user doesn't have proper read access the query will returned 401.


For more information about first class entity and generic controller can be found here


Plumier provided comprehensive list of validator, uses ValidatorJS internally. You specify validation using @val decorator.

import { val } from "plumier"
import { Entity, Column, CreateDateColumn, PrimaryGeneratedColumn } from "typeorm"
export class User {
id: number
email: string

There are more than 40 validators to use to secure your API consumer request.


Refer to validator documentation for more information

Common Controller#

Generic controller is just an implementation of Plumier controller with generic class signature. Even though generic controller can be fully customized to match your app requirements, in some case its may required to use a controller manually to handle user request.

The term of Controller in Plumier is the same as in other MVC framework. Plumier controller is a plain class end with Controller for example class UsersController. A route automatically generated based on /controller/action. This behavior can be customized using @route decorator.

import { route } from "plumier"
export class UsersController {
// GET /users/:id
get(id:string) {
// return value or Promise that
// automatically rendered into JSON response
return repo.findOne(id)

Controller can return any value including Promise, this value then rendered into JSON response automatically. You can have more control to the response by returning the ActionResult or use the built-in response function.

ActionResultresponse.json()Return json responseplumier
RedirectActionResultresponse.redirect()Redirect responseplumier
FileActionResultresponse.file()Serve static file response@plumier/serve-static

Bind Request Part Into Action's Parameter#

Action parameter can be bound into request part such as query, body, header etc. Request values received automatically converted into data type match with action parameter data type.

import { route } from "plumier"
export class UsersController {
// GET /users/list
list(offset:number = 0, limit:number = 50, active:boolean = true) {

Above controller generated into GET /users/list?limit&offset&active. All parameters are optional with their default values. Note that the value automatically converted match with parameter data type, giving these request are valid

GET /users/list
GET /users/list?limit=20
GET /users/list?offset=20&limit=20
GET /users/list?offset=10&active=true
GET /users/list?active=1

Important to notice that boolean parameter can be filled with: yes, no, true, false, 1, 0. And parameter of type datetime can be filled with 2020-12-31 or 2020-10-05T23:28:33.598Z

Parameters also can be bound with request body by providing a parameter of type of custom object to hold the request body like example below

import { route, domain } from "plumier"
export class Login {
public email:string,
public password:string,
export class AuthController {
// POST /auth/login
login(data:Login) {

Above controller will be generated into POST /auth/login with request body { "email":<string>, "password": <string> }

Plumier provided decorators to bind specific request body to parameter, you can use the @bind decorator on specific parameter.

import { route, bind } from "plumier"
export class UsersController {
// GET /users/:id
get(id:string, @bind.user() user:LoginUser) { }

Here are list of supported parameter binding decorators

@bind.user()Bind current login user (JWT claims) into parameter
@bind.ctx()Bind request context into parameter
@bind.request()Bind request into parameter
@bind.body()Bind request body into parameter (optional, or use a custom class type to automatically bind request body to parameter)
@bind.query()Bind request query into parameter
@bind.header()Bind request header into parameter
@bind.cookie()Bind request cookie into parameter
@bind.custom()Bind custom parameter binding implementation into parameter

Refer to the complete documentation about controller

Open API 3.0#

Plumier provided SwaggerFacility to automatically generate Open API 3.0 schema from both controller and generic controller. Open API 3.0 Schema automatically generated by reading and transforming controller's metadata on the fly.

import { SwaggerFacility } from "@plumier/swagger"
new Plumier()
/* other facilities */
.set(new SwaggerFacility())

The generated Open API 3.0 schema can be customized minimally, but mostly everything will just work out of the box. SwaggerFacility hosts the SwaggerUI under /swagger endpoint.



The entry point of Plumier application is an instance of Plumier. Plumier consist of features that can be enabled/disabled by installing Facility.

import { JwtAuthFacility } from "@plumier/jwt"
import { SwaggerFacility } from "@plumier/swagger"
import { TypeORMFacility } from "@plumier/typeorm"
import Plumier, { WebApiFacility } from "plumier"
new Plumier()
.set(new WebApiFacility())
.set(new JwtAuthFacility())
.set(new TypeORMFacility())
.set(new SwaggerFacility())

Above code will start Plumier application with some installed features and listens to the port 8000. Plumier provided some facilities for development convenient they are:

WebApiFacilityBody parser, CORS middleware, Default dependency resolverplumier
RestApiFacilitySame as WebApiFacility except its provided more strict restful API status codeplumier
ControllerFacilityHost controllers by path or type, furthermore controllers can be grouped and versionedplumier
LoggerFacilitySimple request logging and error reportingplumier
JwtAuthFacilityJwt middleware, Enable authorization, Jwt Secret configuration@plumier/jwt
MongooseFacilityMongoose schema generator, generic controller and connection management@plumier/mongoose
TypeORMFacilityProvided helper and generic controller for TypeORM@plumier/typeorm
ServeStaticFacilityServe static files middleware@plumier/serve-static
SwaggerFacilityServe Swagger UI and generate Open API 3.0 automatically@plumier/swagger

Code Style#

Plumier doesn't strictly provided the project layout, but it provided flexibility to layout your project files match your need. Below are some common project structure usually used by developers, You can choose any of them match your like.

Single File Style#

This style usually used by Express for small app with a fewer code. Put all controllers and entities in a single file and configure the bootstrap application like below.

new Plumier()
.set(new WebApiFacility())

Classic MVC Style#

This is default style supported by Plumier. Classic MVC style app separate project files by functionalities such as controllers, models, repositories, entities, services etc.

+ src/
+ controller/
- item.controller.ts
- user.controller.ts
+ repository/
- item.repository.ts
- user.repository.ts
+ service/
- item.service.ts
- user.service.ts
+ entity/
- item.entity.ts
- user.entity.ts
- app.ts
- index.ts
- package.json
- tsconfig.json

No more setup required to use this style.

new Plumier()
.set(new WebApiFacility())

Modular Style#

This style usually used by modern frameworks, files separated by module per directory, each directory consist of controller, model, service, entity etc separated in different files.

To use this style you must follow the file name convention by creating file ends with controller word like below.

+ src/
+ item/
- item.controller.ts
- item.entity.ts
- item.service.ts
- item.repository.ts
+ user/
- user.controller.ts
- user.entity.ts
- user.service.ts
- user.repository.ts
- app.ts
- index.ts
- package.json
- tsconfig.json

No more setup required to use this style, Plumier will automatically search through all files to find controllers.

new Plumier()
.set(new WebApiFacility())