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Mongoose Helper

Generate Mongoose schema based on your domain model.

Enable The Functionality#

MongoDB helper is optional in Plumier, it can be enabled by installing @plumier/mongoose module and plug MongooseFacility into Plumier application.

const plum = new Plumier()
plum.set(new MongooseFacility({ uri: "mongodb://localhost:27017/test-data" }))
//if no uri provided will check for environment variable PLUM_MONGODB_URI
plum.set(new MongooseFacility())

Mongoose facility will automatically connect to the MongoDB database and make sure it ready before application started.

There are several ways to use the mongodb connection:

  1. By providing the uri on the MongooseFacility constructor, like example above.
  2. By providing the environment variable named PLUM_MONGODB_URI. This can be achieve using .env file or by set the environment variable manually.
  3. If none above provided, connection should be done manually using mongoose.connect() function.

Domain Model Declaration#

Plumier Mongoose Helper uses reflection to extract type metadata on runtime. Currently there are two domain models declaration supported

Using Property Field#

import {collection } from "@plumier/mongoose"
class Dummy {
stringProp: string
numberProp: number
booleanProp: boolean
dateProp: Date

This is the common model declaration when you are familiar with Nest.js or other TypeScript framework. This declaration required strictPropertyInitialization disabled on tsconfig.json file. Note that the is required when there are no decorator applied on the property.

Using TypeScript Parameter Properties#

import {collection } from "@plumier/mongoose"
class Dummy {
public stringProp: string,
public numberProp: number,
public booleanProp: boolean,
public dateProp: Date
) { }

This declaration good when tsconfig.json uses strict: true because we unable to use field properties. Using this declaration reduce the need of using on all properties.

Helper API Overview#

Plumier Mongoose Helper help you easily map your domain model and create Mongoose model using it. Helper automatically generate schema definition based on your domain model metadata.

import { model, collection } from "@plumier/mongoose"
// base class, all derived class will inherit the behavior
@collection({ timestamp: true, toJSON: { virtuals: true } })
class Domain {
id:string{ default:false })
class User extends Domain{
public name:string,{ unique:true })
public email:string,
public dateOfBirth: Date
) { super() }
// create mongoose model
const UserModel = model(User)
class UserActivity extends Domain {
public user: User,{ default: () => new Date() })
public date: Date,
public browser:string,
public os:string,
public latLong: number[]
){ super() }
// create mongoose model
const UserActivityModel = model(UserActivity)

Helper API#

Basic Schema Generation#

import { model, collection } from "@plumier/mongoose"
class Dummy {
public stringProp: string,
public numberProp: number,
public booleanProp: boolean,
public dateProp: Date
) { }
// create Mongoose model by using below
const DummyModel = model(Dummy)
// example usage
const result = await DummyModel.findById(<id>)
// model can be called multiple time to create other model instance
// for example from inside controller or in other place
const SecondDummyModel = model(Dummy)

Advanced Data Type#

Array type required extra decorator information. Use @reflect.type([<type>]) decorator to inform generator about extra type information.

import { model, collection } from "@plumier/mongoose"
class Child {
public name:string
class Dummy {
// primitive array
public arrayOfPrimitive: string[],
// nested type
public child: Child,
// nested array of model
public children: Child[],
) { }
const DummyModel = model(Dummy)

Nested Document With Ref (Populate)#

import { model, collection } from "@plumier/mongoose"
class Child {
public name:string
class Dummy {
// nested type
public child: Child,
// nested array of model
public children: Child[],
) { }
const ChildModel = model(Child)
const DummyModel = model(Dummy)

Configure Properties#

Extra Mongoose schema configuration can be passed to each decorator

import { model, collection } from "@plumier/mongoose"
@collection({ timestamps: true, toJSON: { virtuals: true } })
class Dummy {
constructor({ uppercase:true })
public stringProp: string,{ unique:true })
public email: string,{ default:() => new Date() })
public dateProp: Date
) { }
const DummyModel = model(Dummy)


Inheritance work naturally, all child document will inherit parent configuration properly.

import { model, collection } from "@plumier/mongoose"
@collection({ timestamp: true })
class DomainBase {{ default:false })
class Dummy extends DomainBase{
public stringProp: string,
public numberProp: number,
public booleanProp: boolean,
public dateProp: Date
) { super() }
const DummyModel = model(Dummy)

Using configuration above, all class inherited from DomainBase will have deleted property with default value false and properties createdAt and updatedAt which automatically populated as timestamps.

Custom Model Name#

import { model, collection } from "@plumier/mongoose"
@collection({ name: "Empty" })
class Dummy {
public stringProp: string,
public numberProp: number,
public booleanProp: boolean,
public dateProp: Date
) { }
const DummyModel = model(Dummy)
// calling next model will not require passing name
const SecondDummyModel = model(Dummy)

Schema Generation Hook#

Its possible to provide hook when mongoose schema generated, so its possible to register the mongoose middleware from provided schema like below:

hook: (schema) => {
schema.pre("save", async function (this: Dummy & mongoose.Document) {
const newString = await new Promise<string>(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve("Delayed"), 100))
this.stringProp = newString
class Dummy {
public stringProp: string,
public numberProp: number,
public booleanProp: boolean,
public dateProp: Date
) { }
const DummyModel = model(Dummy)

PreSave Decorator#

You can add hook during schema generation, but for simple use case to hash password before saving is too messy if using hook and pre middleware. Plumier provided @collection.preSave() decorator to automatically call decorated method before save.

class Dummy {
public stringProp: string,
public numberProp: number,
public booleanProp: boolean,
public dateProp: Date
) { }
async beforeSave() {
this.stringProp = await new Promise<string>(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve("Delayed"), 100))
const DummyModel = model(Dummy)

Relation with Cyclic Dependency#

Its possible to map relation with cyclic dependency using mongoose helper using proxy method. proxy will defer schema generation until its first accessed, thus make it able to get the proper data type.


Note when you define model with cyclic dependency its required to use Ref<T> data type and use callback on the @collection.ref() parameter to prevent TypeScript ReferenceError: Model is not defined error.

import { collection, proxy, Ref } from "@plumier/mongoose"
class Child {
public name:string,
// use callback to define ref type
@collection.ref(x => Dummy)
// use Ref<T> to define data type
public dummy:Ref<Dummy>
const ChildModel = proxy(Child)
class Dummy {
public name:string,
// nested array of model
@collection.ref(x => [Child])
public children: Ref<Child[]>,
) { }
const DummyModel = proxy(Dummy)

Unique Validation#

Mongoose helper provided @val.unique() that augmented (merged) with @plumier/validator module. Means if you install @plumier/mongoose @val decorator will automatically has unique() function.

This function is not using the mongoose unique schema, but it automatically check to the database for uniqueness, so validation engine can execute the validation rule without touching controller.

import { val } from "plumier"
export class User {
public name: string,
public email:string,
public image: string,
public address:string,
public city:string,
public zip:string,
) { }

POST Form With Relational Data#

Mongoose helper provided custom object converter, so it possible to post relational data (with populate) from HTML Form by providing the ObjectId of the child model.

class Image {
public name: string
) { }
class Animal {
public name: string,
public images: Image[]
) { }
const ImageModel = model(Image)
const AnimalModel = model(Animal)
class AnimalController {
async save(data: Animal) {
const newly = await new AnimalModel(data).save()
return newly._id

Above code showing that we created a route named POST /animal/save which will save Animal information with relational data which is images data that previously saved. Below request will be valid:

POST /animal/save
{name: "Mimi", images: ["507f191e810c19729de860ea", "507f191e810c19729de239ca"]}