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Plumier middleware works exactly like Koa middleware, it executed in a stack-like order and has full control of the next middleware.

The different between Plumier middleware and Koa middleware is Plumier middleware is a stateless class which has a method that act like pure function. It doesn't mutate things but returns value. With this behavior Plumier middleware relatively easy to unit test in isolation.


Plumier middleware can be a function match CustomMiddlewareFunction signature or a class that implements CustomMiddleware interface. The signature is like below:

type CustomMiddlewareFunction = (next: Readonly<Invocation>) => Promise<ActionResult>
interface CustomMiddleware {
execute(next: Readonly<Invocation>): Promise<ActionResult>
interface Invocation {
context: Readonly<Context>
proceed(): Promise<ActionResult>

Middleware has one parameter next which is an instance of Invocation object to proceed the next middleware. Middleware must return a promised ActionResult, you can return result of the invocation which mean its return result of previous middleware (its possibly the result of the action if the next middlewares doesn't modify the result). You can also return modified version of action result or a brand new action result. You can also throw an error from inside of middleware, the default error handler will handle it properly.

Develop Your Own Middleware#

To create a plumier middleware is as easy as Koa middleware, The idea is the same but simpler. The most basic middleware that does nothing is like below:

class BasicMiddleware implements CustomMiddleware {
execute(next: Readonly<Invocation>): Promise<ActionResult> {
return next.proceed()

Middleware above only execute the next middleware and pass its result into previous middleware.

More real world example is creating a error handler middleware, For example we need to log all internal error 500 into database for auditing process.

class BasicMiddleware implements CustomMiddleware {
async execute(next: Readonly<Invocation>): Promise<ActionResult> {
return await next.proceed()
catch (e){
if(e instance of HttpStatusError && e.status === 500){
//save error to db
//just re-throw it and let default error handler handle it
throw e


Middleware has full control of the next middleware, with this behavior we can do interception easily. There are 3 types of interception: before, after and around.

Intercept Before#

Interception occurs before the next execution proceeded. For example the authorization middleware, where the interception occur before proceeded.

import { Middleware, Invocation, ActionResult, HttpStatusError } from "plumier"
class AdminOnlyMiddleware implements CustomMiddleware {
execute(next: Readonly<Invocation>): Promise<ActionResult> {
if(next.ctx.state.user.role !== "Admin")
throw new HttpStatusError(401)
return next.proceed()

Above code showing that we intercept the process before proceeding to next middleware. If the user role is not Admin then throw Unauthorized status.

Intercept After#

Interception occurs after the next execution proceeded. For example we need to modify content of the result based on http status.

import { Middleware, Invocation, ActionResult } from "plumier"
class ModifyResponseMiddleware implements CustomMiddleware {
async execute(next: Readonly<Invocation>): Promise<ActionResult> {
const result = await next.proceed()
if(result.status === 500){
//do something and return ActionResult
return result

Intercept Around#

Interception occurs before and after the next execution. For example we need to log the response time of every request.

import { Middleware, Invocation, ActionResult } from "plumier"
class ResponseTimeMiddleware implements CustomMiddleware {
async execute(next: Readonly<Invocation>): Promise<ActionResult> {
console.time("Response Time")
const result = await next.execute()
console.timeEnd("Response Time")
return result

Middleware Communication#

In some case you may need to set some values that will be passed to the next middleware or to the controller. Koa provide a mutable property called state under the Context class. You can access it anywhere under ctx.state property on the custom extension.

Optionally, to provide the intellisense under ctx.state.<yourProperty>, we can augment the DefaultState type and add property you like.

import { DefaultState } from "koa"
declare module "koa" {
interface DefaultState {
yourProperty?: MyDataType

Then from inside your middleware you can set the value like below

class MyCoolMiddleware implements CustomMiddleware {
execute(next: Readonly<Invocation>): Promise<ActionResult> {
next.ctx.state.yourProperty = { lorem: "Ipsum" }
return next.proceed()

From inside controller the value can be accessed using @bind.ctx().

import { Context } from "koa"
class MyCoolController {
get(@bind.ctx() ctx: Context) {
const myProp = ctx.state.yourProperty